Environmental Science
Some Environmental Science Projects I Have Completed

Circadian Singing Patterns of a Sub-Arctic Avian Community
A paper submitted to the scientific Journal The Auk examining the unique characteristics of songbird community dynamics that are present in the summer arctic environment of 24 hour daylight.

Morrin Bridge Environmental Screening Report
An environmental screening report about the area around the Morrin Bridge, which spans the Red Deer River in central Alberta.

Lynwood Ravine Environmental Screening Report
Commissioned by the City of Edmonton as part of the process to re-design the storm water drainage system after a 1 in 200 year thunderstorm turned a shallow grassy ravine in a residential into a raging torrent with 1.5 metre high accumulations of hail.

Rare and Endangered Plants of the XX FMA
Survey report about the vegetation ecosites and associated rare & endangered plants, in a forest management area.

The MacArthur Paradigm and Community Ecology
A paper about the importance of the MacArthur Paradigm in future research in the field of community ecology.

Wildlife Overview Study of the Meadows Transit Centre Site
An environmental review of the Aspen Parkland habitats and wildlife on the site for a proposed transit station.

The Bird Atlas Gazette #1
The newsletter of the Breeding Bird Atlas of Alberta: Update Project.
April 2002

The Bird Atlas Gazette #2
The newsletter of the Breeding Bird Atlas of Alberta: Update Project.
February 2003

The Bird Atlas Gazette #3
The newsletter of the Breeding Bird Atlas of Alberta: Update Project.
July 2003

The Bird Atlas Gazette #4
The newsletter of the Breeding Bird Atlas of Alberta: Update Project.
March 2004

The Bird Atlas Gazette #5
The newsletter of the Breeding Bird Atlas of Alberta: Update Project.
July 2004

Argyll Velodrome Upgrading Environmental Screening Report
An environmental assessment of the effects of removal of an existing outdoor velodrome and its replacement with a large multi-use recreation centre.